Raising Funds for Your Charity
Charities are always looking for ways to raise more funds for their mission. There are so many different options from online auctions, galas and more. One of the best ways that a charity can fundraise today is by promoting charity travel packages to incentivize your donors in the coolest way – four diamond resorts, pristine beaches and family fun! You will benefit by raising lots of money for your cause, and the donor will receive something in return as well, also known as conditional giving. Conditional giving is when a donor supports you with a monetary gift in exchange for something of value that they can use or already have a budget for.
What are Charity Vacation Packages?
A charity vacation package is a great way to motivate donors to give money for good causes while also benefiting from a beautiful vacation or family trip filled with activities, adventures, and entertainment at incredible and beloved vacation spots all over the world at a great price. You can select from an assortment of vacation packages and sell as many as you would like.
How Do Travel Packages Work?
You see, you don’t pay for the travel package until after your donor buys it. And you reap the benefit of taking the price of the bid minus the cost of the package. It’s a win-win-win, and an amazing way that nonprofits are using to raise more donations for their charity.
How Much Do Packages Cost?
The cost of a vacation package can range anywhere from $1,000 all the way up to $10,000, depending on the value of the package. The value goes up based on the location, the resort type, the amenities offered, and other benefits from what what is offered.
Have You Ever Done Charity Auctions?
Charity Auctions, whether virtual or in person, are a great way to raise funds for your next charity event. If you’re in the process of setting up your next auction for your organization, charity vacation packages are great items to use for them. You won’t go wrong checking out some of the variety of products we offer that you can find here
Do You Need a Charity Fundraising Idea?
Maybe you’re still brainstorming ideas for your next fundraiser or you’re looking for new and creative ways to raise money. We have a great team that can help you figure out all the details including a variety of different products to choose from and not just vacation packages! Our #1 goals is to give you what you need so you can raise the most for your cause.
Where Can You Find a Travel Package?
If you’ve decided to use a charity travel package(s) to auction at your next event, Charity Booster is the marketplace to help you get started. Charity Booster was created to give fundraisers just like you the road map and resources to maximize your efforts so you can focus on the essential aspects of raising mission-critical dollars within a world of ever-changing distractions.
As a thank you for reading this article, we want to give you a chance to win a Free 4-night stay travel package valued at $1,720 so you can see how easy it is to raise the funds you need to meet your mission. To get access to the free travel package, GO HERE TO ENTER while supplies last.
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